In order to get a Florida State CAM License you will need to get your fingerprints taken. We offer this as part of the 18-hour in-person CAM pre-licensing course on the second day of the course. Here are some of the common questions people have about fingerprinting for the CAM state exam.
Download: Fingerprinting FAQ in PDF format
We suggest that you submit your fingerprints using a Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE) approved Livescan Device Vendor at least 5 days prior to submitting your application for licensure. This will allow sufficient time for FDLE to process your fingerprints and submit the results to the Department. If your fingerprint results are not received by the Department at the time your application is being processed, your application will be deemed incomplete.
The Department of Business and Professional Regulation accepts electronic fingerprinting service offered by Livescan device vendors that are approved by the Florida Department of Law Enforcement and listed at their site. You can view the vendor options and contact information at Livescan Device Vendors List.
If you are an applicant seeking a license for any profession regulated by the Department of Business and Professional Regulation, which requires a criminal background search as a condition of licensure, you must provide accurate demographic information at the time your fingerprints are taken.
Please make sure that you clearly identify the profession for which you are seeking to be licensed or select “Military Endorsement” and submit your fingerprints payment to the vendor. Any inaccurate information that you provide could cause a delay in processing your request.
You must provide the correct ORI number.
The following professions require submission of electronic fingerprints as a part of the licensure application. The ORI number identifies the correct profession and the agency that is responsible for processing your request. The ORI number for Community Association Managers is:
Community Association Managers - FL921932Z
FDLE will only retain the criminal results from applicants for a period of six months from the date the fingerprints were rolled. Applicants should submit their applications soon after submitting their fingerprints in order to afford themselves an opportunity to resolve any application deficiencies prior to the expiration of the criminal history results.
In the traditional method of fingerprinting, ink is applied to each of your fingers which are then “rolled” across a fingerprint card to obtain your prints. With electronic fingerprinting, there is no ink or card. Your fingerprints are “rolled” across a glass plate and scanned. It is faster and cleaner than the traditional method. Electronic fingerprinting reduces the likelihood of illegible fingerprints and will reduce the overall application processing time.
It should only take approximately 5-10 minutes.
The total fee charged by each vendor varies. Please contact the vendor to obtain this information. The fingerprint results are usually received by the department two to four days after your fingerprints are scanned.
You can view the vendor options and contact information at Livescan Device Vendors List.
All applicants will be required to bring two (2) forms of identification to the electronic fingerprinting site on the day of scheduled fingerprinting. One of the two types of identification must bear your picture and signature such as a driver’s license, state identification card or passport. Applicants cannot be permitted to be fingerprinted without proper identification.
As of the date of the mailing of the deficiency letter, your electronic fingerprinting results have not been transmitted to the Department of Business and Professional Regulation. We will not be able to process your application until we have received this information. You should contact your fingerprint vendor to determine if they have submitted the prints to the FDLE for processing.
The electronic fingerprint scanning machines are equipped to determine if your fingerprints scanned successfully; however, if it is determined by the Federal Bureau of Investigation that your prints were not legible, we will send you a notification letter asking you to go back to the same vendor that did your initial prints and schedule a re-roll of your prints. You will be required to bring the notification letter with you as information such as the TCN (Transaction Control Number) and TCR (Transaction Control Reference) must be identified and used at the time of the reroll.
DBPR will retain results of the prints for 12 months from the date your digital fingerprints were electronically received by the Florida Department of Law Enforcement. FDLE retain the prints for 180 days only. If your prints have expired at the time your application is submitted to the department, you will be required to submit new prints again.
Per FBI regulation, your prints cannot be shared between professions or with other agencies. You are required to have separate prints for each license you are applying for, using the correct ORI.
As an applicant, you have the choice to select a vendor approved by the FDLE. Since DBPR does not approve or regulate Livescan vendors, you will be fully responsible for the fingerprint submission and for ensuring that the prints have been timely submitted to the FDLE. The DBPR retrieves the fingerprint results from the Department of Law Enforcement through a secure web site. We suggest that you ask the vendor for a receipt showing payment date and other pertinent information in case you need to go back to them for assistance.
Go to the FDLE Livescan Device Vendors List and choose a Livescan vendor that is certified as “hard card scanning capable”. These vendors have the ability to process fingerprints through additional methods, including the use of hard copy fingerprint cards. If the vendor requests that you provide a fingerprint card, you may call the Department of Business and Professional Regulation at 850.487.1395 to obtain one. When requesting a card, please specify the profession for which you are seeking licensure.
The Livescan vendor will send your scanned fingerprint images to the Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE) using the ORI number you provide to the vendor. The FDLE/FBI will process the fingerprints and provide the results to the Department of Business and Professional Regulation, usually within three to five business days from the scan date. You do not have to do anything with your fingerprint results unless the department contacts you for additional information.
The Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE) has developed a new feature that will allow an individual or organization to perform a search to determine the status of an applicant Livescan transaction. The Civil Workflow Control System (CWCS) serves as the FDLE automated applicant criminal history request system. The status of a CWCS transaction can now be provided from a search within the newly developed "Civil Workflow Control System Transaction Status Search". The only identifier needed to perform the search is the Transaction Control Number (TCN) which is generated at the time the applicant information and fingerprints are captured.
The "Civil Workflow Control System Transaction Status Search" is available to the public at:
If you have a criminal history, your application will be reviewed by the department to ensure that your criminal history will not statutorily disqualify you from becoming licensed in that particular profession. Depending on the type of criminal offense(s), your application might require board review or require your personal appearance before the board. You will be notified in writing of any required appearance before the board.